GMAT OG, CR, 197

GMAT 일기장 2011. 2. 19. 12:04

197. To persuade consumers to buy its personal computers for home use, SuperComp has enlisted computer dealers in shopping centers to sell its product and launched a major advertising campaign that has already increased public awareness of the SuperComp brand. Despite the fact that these dealers achieved dramatically increased sales of computers last month, however, analysts doubt that the marketing plan is brining SuperComp the desired success.

SuperComp회사는 PC판매를 위해
(1) 광고를 크게 해서 브랜드 인지를 높였다.
(2) 쇼핑센터에 자사 PC 판매를 위한 computer dealer를 배치시켰다
=-> 위의 딜러가, 저번 달에 높은 컴퓨터 판매량을 거두었다.

그러나, analysts는 위의 마케팅 plan이 desired success를 가져왔는지 의문을 제시하였다.

Which of the following, if true, best supports the claim that the analysts' doubt is well founded?
analysts의 주장을 강화하는 지문은 무엇인가?

(A) In market surveys, few respondents who had been exposed to SuperComp's advertising campaign said they thought there was no point in owning a home computer.

(B) People who own a home computer often buy a second such computer, but only rarely do people buy a third computer.

(C) SuperComp's dealers also sell other brands of computers that are very similar to SuperComp's but less expensive and that afford the dealers a significantly higher markup.

SuperComp딜러들은 SuperComp의 컴퓨터와 유사기종이지만 저렴한 다른 브렌드 PC를 판매하였다. 이것이 딜러의 높은 판매율의 요인이다.

(D) The dealers who were chosen to sell SuperComp's computers were selected in part because their stores are located in shopping centers that attract relatively wealthy shoppers.

(E) Computer-industry analysts believed before the SuperComp campaign began that most consumers who already owned home computers were not yet ready to replace them.

답은 C입니다. 마케팅 플렌의 목표는 SuperComp의 PC판매가 목적이었습니다. SuperComp의 딜러가 자사 PC가 아닌 다른 브랜드의 PC를 팔았을 경우에는 매출 증가나 딜러의 판매량 증가에도 불구하고, 본래의 마케팅 플랜의 목적(자사 PC판매)이 약화됩니다.

Posted by kkckc