GMAT OG, CR, 173

GMAT 일기장 2011. 2. 18. 23:45

173. Researchers have found that when very overweight people, who tend to have relatively low metabolic rates, lose weight primarily through dieting, their metabolisms generally remain unchanged. They will thus burn significantly fewer calories at the new weight than do people whose weight is normally at that level. Such newly thin persons will, therefore, ultimately regain weight until their body size again matches their metabolic rate.

(1) 과학자들은 매우 과 체중인 사람들의 경우, 신진대사율이 낮은 경향이 있고, 주로 밥 안 먹어 살 빼는, 그들의 신진대사(metabolisms)는 일반적으로 잘 변하지 않음을 발견하였다.
(2) 그러므로, 그 사람들은 보통 사람들보다 칼로리를 매우 적게 소모할 것이다.
(3) 그래서, 살 빼서 새사람이 되어봐야, 결과적으로 신진대사율에 맞추어서 금방 살 다시 찔(ultimately regain weight) 것이다.

The conclusion of the argument above depends on which of the following assumptions?
이 결론은 어떤 가정에 근거하고 있는가?

(A) Relatively few very overweight people who have dieted down to a new weight tend to continue to consume substantially fewer calories than do people whose normal weight is at that level.
원래 과 체중이었다가 다이어트 해서 살 뺀 사람들은, 일반인들과 비교하여 지속적으로 적은 칼로리를 소모하는 경향이 있다.

(B) The metabolisms of people who are usually not overweight are much more able to vary than the metabolisms of people who have been very overweight.

(C) The amount of calories that a person usually burns in a day is determined more by the amount that is consumed that day than by the current weight of the individual.

(D) Researchers have not yet determined whether the metabolic rates of formerly very overweight individuals can be accelerated by means of chemical agents.

(E) Because of the constancy of their metabolic rates, people who are at their usual weight normally have as much difficulty gaining weight as they do losing it.


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Posted by kkckc