GMAT의 SC 문제를 보면, 가끔 In That이라는 녀석이 나올 때가 있습니다. 이 녀석이 뭘 하는 녀석인지 봅시다.

* …이라는 점에서, …이므로(since, because)

e.g.) The conclusion is wrong in that it is based on false premises.

잘못된 전제에 근거하고 있다는 점에서 그 결론은 틀렸다.


GMAT에서는 in that의 일반적인 용법인 because와 조금 다르게 쓰이게 되는데,

~라는 점에서의 용법으로 different, unlike, unusual한 부분을 연결할 때 쓰인다고 합니다. 다음 예를 봅시다.

* Blue-winged warblers are unlike most species of warbler in that it is very difficult to tell the male and female apart.

* Teratomas are unusual form of cancer in that they are composed of tissues such as tooth and bone, tissues not normally found in the organ in which the tumor appears.


다음 문제는, 이 유형의 대표적인 문제인 OG, SC, 208번입니다.

208. Teratomas are unusual forms of cancer because they are composed of tissues such as tooth and bone not normally found in the organ in which the tumor appears.

(A) because they are composed of tissues such as tooth and bone

(B) because they are composed of tissues like tooth and bone that are

(C) because they are composed of tissues, like tooth and bone, tissues

(D) in that their composition, tissues such as tooth and bone, is

(E) in that they are composed of tissues such as tooth and bone, tissues


* in that이 나와야 하기 때문에, 답은 D와 E중의 한가지입니다. D에서는 their composition가 tissues를 가리키는 것으로 보이지만, 적절하지 않습니다. 답은 E입니다.

* 다른 예문들을 보니 in that뒤에 S+V를 오는 형태로 많이 오던데, 근거는 발견하지 못했습니다. 참고만 하세요.

Posted by kkckc