Valkyrie is a one&only utility to analyze valgrind log file under the GUI.
This is a manual to install Valkyrie program for Ubuntu User.

1) Install QT Library
sudo apt-get install libqt3 libqt3-mt-dev libqt3-headers

2) Set a Symbolic Link

shell) cd /usr/share/qt3/include/
shell) ln -s /usr/share/qt3/mkspecs/linux-g++/qplatformdefs.h
shell) ls -lrt qplatformdefs.h
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root    48 Sep 24 12:06 qplatformdefs.h -> /usr/share/qt3/mkspecs/linux-g++/qplatformdefs.h

3) Get a valkyrie file from valgrind site

4) unzip it and compile it as a ordinary step 
shell) ./configure
shell) sudo make
shell) sudo make install

5) This is an example that shows us how can we make xml file with the valgrind program. (summary.exe)
shell) valgrind -v --leak-check=full --tool=memcheck --xml=yes --log-file=./summary.xml summary.exe

6) type a valkyrie and load xml file.

God Bless you.
Posted by kkckc